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The world’s highest earners consistently prioritize sleep
The World’s Biggest Earners Are Already Sleeping More
- Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon
- Net worth: $195 billion
- “Eight hours of sleep makes a big difference for me, and I try hard to make that a priority. For me, that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited.”
- Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder of Bumble
- Net worth: $1.5 billion
- “Nothing is more nourishing to your mind, body, and soul than a good night sleep.”
Many successful people get the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep a night:
“…vacations shouldn’t have to be earned… Time off isn’t a trophy you win for burning out. The pursuit of happiness is a right, not a reward.” – Adam Grant Organizational psychologist at Wharton
The Sleep Routines Of Successful People
- No two sleep schedules are alike
- Greta Thunberg: 9 hours of sleep
- Marie Kondo: 8 hours of sleep
- Serena Williams: 7 hours of sleep
- Michelle Obama: 6 hours of sleep
- Warren Buffett: 8 hours of sleep
- Tim Cook: 7 hours of sleep
- Elon Musk: 6 hours of sleep
The economic impacts of insufficient sleep cost Americans more than $411 billion in lost productivity every year
The True Cost Of Insufficient Sleep
- Poor sleep leads to:
- 13% higher mortality risk
- On average, people sleeping six hours or less per night have a 13 percent higher mortality risk than those who sleep at least seven hours
- A loss of 1.2 million working days per year
- 2.28% less on the American GDP
- 0.42 units of BMI gained per hour of sleep lost
- Reduced ability to make wise financial decisions
- 2x greater chance of being in a car accident
- 13% higher mortality risk
- Lack of sleep is correlated with:
- Impaired coordination and fitness
- Lower quality of life
- Poorer education
- Depression & anxiety
People who regularly get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep are 29% more productive than those who sleep less than 5, increasing their chances of success
Scientific Ways That A Good Night’s Rest Will Make You More Successful
- Improve memory
- Regular sleep improves declarative memory (fact retrieval) and procedural memory (how to accomplish certain tasks)
- Enhance creativity and problem-solving skills
- REM sleep is one the biggest factor of nurtured creativity
- Reduce errors and potential accidents
- Sleep dramatically reduces clerical errors and mistakes
- Stay healthier for longer
- A greater amount of sleep leads to a stronger immune system
- Better productivity and performance
- Well rested persons save companies up to $1,976 per year
“Sleep deprivation is an illegal torture method outlawed by the Geneva Convention and international courts, but most of us do it to ourselves.” – Ryan Hurd, independent researcher and founder of DreamStudies.org
How To Practice Better Sleep Hygiene
- Definition: Optimizing habits, environments, and behaviors to maximize sleep efficiency
- Launder your bed sheets often
- 73% of people say they are more excited to sleep with fresh sheets
- Reduce alcohol consumption
- 2+ servings of alcohol a day reduces sleep quality by 39.3%
- Increase exercise time
- 75 – 150 minutes of exercise increases sleep and decreases daytime sleepiness
- Limit blue light exposure
- Blue light from phones, computers, and televisions inhibit melatonin by up to 200%
- Do away with all-nighters
- Adults going without sleep for 48 hours have similar impairments to a blood alcohol level of 0.1%
- Try a weighted blanket
- People with moderate insomnia who used the blankets for 2 weeks reported a calmer night’s sleep with fewer movements
- Get a more comfortable mattress
- 93% of people say that a comfortable mattress is what contributes to their best quality of sleep
- Above all, aim for the recommended amount of sleep between 7 to w8 hours per night
Sleep is one of the single biggest life improvements you can make. Here’s to your success!
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