Did you know that August 8th is Global Sleep Under the Stars Night? The holiday comes after Eddie Bauer registered August 8th as Global Sleep Under The Stars Night with the National Day Calendar. Eddie Bauer, an outdoorsman, and guide launched his eponymous brand in a humble Seattle store. What used…
One of the essential aspects of your health is to have enough amount of good quality sleep. Its importance is paralleled with a balanced diet and physical exercise. Unfortunately, there are too many things that disrupt and interfere with our natural sleep patterns. People are now generally sleeping lesser than…
Everyone has trouble falling asleep from time to time. But, kids with special needs can have special challenges with falling asleep and staying asleep. Research indicates that between 40 and 80 percent of people with autism experience struggles when it comes to sleep. These challenges include not being able to…
The quality of your sleep and your mental health are closely linked. People who have insomnia and other sleep disorders have been known to have a variety of mental health problems. And while Americans are notorious for sleep deprivation, people who have mental health issues are also more likely to have problems with daytime sleepiness. Sleep…
Written by Joselyne John, RN PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. This mental health problem affects some people after they have experienced or witnessed a traumatic or life-threatening event. These events might include a natural disaster such as a tornado, or they might include a combat situation, a car accident, or a…
Food plays so many roles in our lives, from providing nutritional benefits to offering comfort. Many of us might have childhood memories of being given a glass of warm milk to help us fall asleep. But if you’re now an adult trying to figure out how to sleep better, you might…
Many of us know what it’s like to have trouble sleeping. Up to 35% of Americans are expected to suffer from insomnia at time at some point in their lives. And as much as 10% of the population experiences chronic insomnia disorder, where they’re unable to fall or stay asleep…